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The Job Of A Broker

April 22, 2012

Talk with your realty broker to find out what the average days on market are in your neighborhood and gather some guidelines on what you can do to speed up the process of a home sale.

Once you have hired your real estate agent, the next big day will be picture day. In order to be ready for market, your home should be in pristine condition. When a buyer is shopping for a house, they are looking at pictures on the world wide web. Ultimately, they will be comparing apples to apples and yours needs to be the shiniest or you will sit on the market.

The meeting with your real estate broker should cover the basics of listing your home, even if you won’t be listing for a few months. Your real estate broker understands this. The meeting should give you a good idea of how much time you will spend on the market and what the homes are getting purchased for in your neighborhood.

After the meeting with your realty broker, get busy getting the home in the best shape you’ve ever seen it. Unfortunately, after all your efforts, you may not even want to move. Here’s a few ideas on home presentation that should help you along the way.

Specific strategies to incorporate in your staging efforts would include brightening up the place with some good looking bedspreads and fresh towels for the bathrooms and kitchen. Removing extra clutter from the kitchen counter tops really open the amount of counter top space as does clearing out items in a pantry. Storage space is always something people are looking for, so get that stuff boxed up to showcase how much space you have. Odds are, that the buyers looking at your home are in one that is smaller than yours. So, although you find your storage space to be tight, they will find it to be ample.

Once you’re on the market, you will gain a quick appreciation as to why you got your home ready for market, clutter packed up and repairs made. Real estate agents will be making appointments to bring their buyers in to view your home. If your clutter is packed up and repairs made, showings should be a breeze. Make sure you don’t stick around for the showing. It’s best to let the buyers wander through without the home owner hanging out. Just think about when you walk in to a store and the owner follows you around. It tends to make people stop exploring and start looking for an escape route.

If you are trying to sell your house, you should set a price that is practical. Look at properties in your immediate neighborhood and then put your own valuation somewhere between the highest and the lowest. Placing an overinflated value on your house could force you to eventually lower it anyway.

This write-up was meant to offer a few good suggestions to those home sellers sitting on the sidelines of the real estate market. Hopefully, it will be inspirational enough to get you to call your real estate broker up and find out how your market is doing and if it’s a good time to sell. Not all markets will be handing you good news.

To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom. Socrates

Charlotte NC Homes

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